Computer-Aided Illustration

Computer-Aided Illustration



CD ComputaBio offers a comprehensive computer-aided illustration service, employing cutting-edge technology and expertise in computer-aided drug design. Our services cater to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, assisting researchers in visualizing drug molecules and their interactions. With a strong focus on accuracy and precision, we strive to provide our clients with high-quality illustrations that enhance their understanding and accelerate their drug discovery process.

Our Services

Our computer-aided illustration service offers two primary components:

We specialize in producing dynamic, interactive 3D Movies that bring molecular and cellular processes to life. Our team uses advanced animation and rendering techniques to depict protein structures, ligand binding interactions, molecular dynamics simulations, and other essential components of drug-target interactions. These Movies provide a comprehensive, intuitive understanding of complex biological systems, aiding in the communication and dissemination of scientific findings.

Our service also includes the generation of high-resolution images that showcase molecular structures, drug-binding sites, protein-ligand interactions, and other significant biological elements. These images are meticulously crafted using state-of-the-art rendering software, allowing for detailed visualization and analysis of critical molecular features within drug design and development.

Figure 1. High-Resolution Images.


Sample Requirements

To provide you with high-quality illustrations, we require the following samples:

Sample Requirements Descriptions
Drug Molecule Information The chemical structure of the drug molecule, including SMILES, SDF, or PDB files, as well as any available information regarding the target protein.
Desired Focus A brief description of the specific aspects you would like to highlight in the illustration, such as the drug-target binding site or any specific interactions.


Deliverables Descriptions
Movies Our team will deliver interactive 3D movies depicting molecular processes or interactions, accompanied by a comprehensive guide or explanation of the depicted phenomena. These movies are provided in commonly used video formats to ensure compatibility with various presentation and communication platforms.
High Resolution Images Clients will receive high-quality, visually striking images that capture key molecular structures, interactions, or biological phenomena. The images are typically provided in multiple file formats, including high-resolution JPEG or PNG formats, ensuring flexibility in their use for publications, presentations, and online dissemination.

Why Choose Us?

CD ComputaBio's computer-aided mapping services combine cutting-edge technology, advanced algorithms, and expert knowledge to provide accurate and visually appealing illustrations of drug molecules and their interactions with target proteins. Our services include visualization movies and high-resolution images that help researchers understand complex molecular mechanisms and contribute to decision-making in the drug development process.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.
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